Etcd Members Down

etcdMembersDown #

Meaning #

This alert fires when one or more etcd member goes down and evaluates the number of etcd members that are currently down. Often, this alert was observed as part of a cluster upgrade when a master node is being upgraded and requires a reboot.

Impact #

In etcd a majority of (n/2)+1 has to agree on membership changes or key-value upgrade proposals. With this approach, a split-brain inconsistency can be avoided. In the case that only one member is down in a 3-member cluster, it still can make forward progress. Due to the fact that the quorum is 2 and 2 members are still alive. However, when more members are down, the cluster becomes unrecoverable.

Diagnosis #

Login to the cluster. Check health of master nodes if any of them is in NotReady state or not.

$ kubectl get nodes -l

In case there is no upgrade going on, but there is a change in the machineconfig for the master pool causing a rolling reboot of each master node, this alert can be triggered as well. We can check if the : Working annotation is set for any of the master nodes. This is the case when the machine-config-operator (MCO) is working on it.

$ kubectl get nodes -l -o template --template='{{range .items}}{{"===> node:> "}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{range $k, $v := .metadata.annotations}}{{println $k ":" $v}}{{end}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'

General etcd health #

To run etcdctl commands, we need to exec into the etcdctl container of any etcd pod.

$ kubectl exec -c etcdctl -n openshift-etcd $(kubectl get po -l app=etcd -oname -n openshift-etcd | awk -F"/" 'NR==1{ print $2 }')

Validate that the etcdctl command is available:

$ etcdctl version

Run the following command to get the health of etcd:

$ etcdctl endpoint health -w table

Mitigation #

If an upgrade is in progress, the alert may automatically resolve in some time when the master node comes up again. If MCO is not working on the master node, check the cloud provider to verify if the master node instances are running or not.

In the case when you are running on AWS, the AWS instance retirement might need a manual reboot of the master node.